
Ford, J., Stephenson, E., Cunsolo Willox, A., Farahbakhsh, F., Furgal, C., Harper, S., Chatwood, S., Edge, V., Mauro, I., Pearce, T., Austin, Bunce, A., Bussalleau, Diaz, Finner, K., Gordon, A., Huet, K, Kitching, K, Lardeau, M., McDonald, J., McDowell, G., Nakoneczny, L., and Sherman, M. (online first). ‘The Questions that Keep us Awake at Night’: Research Reflections on Community-Based Adaptation Research. WIRES Climate Change. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.376

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Ford, J.D., Stephenson, E., Cunsolo-Willox, A., Edge, V.L., Farahbakhsh, K., Furgal, C., Harper, S., Chatwood, S., Mauro, I., Pearce, T., Austin, S., Bunce, A., Bussalleu, A., Diaz, J., Finner, K., Gordon, A., Huet, C., Kitching, K., Lardeau, MP., McDowell, G., McDonald, H. Nakoneczny, L., and Sherman, M. (2015). Community-based adaptation research in the Canadian Arctic. WIREs Climate Change

Ford, J.D. Berrang-Ford, L., Bunce, A., McKay, C., Irwin, M., and Pearce, T. (2015). The status of climate change adaptation in Africa and Asia. Regional Environmental Change. 15(5), 801-814.

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